WYT Oxygen AHA Bubble Peeling Mask
by Min
Hello M-Friends! Haven't heard from me for awhile now, right? Well, here I am today wanting to bring this WYT Oxygen AHA Bubble Peeling Mask to your attention if you haven't heard the buzz about it yet. First of all, you guys should all have a regular exfoliating routine if you want healthy, glowing skin. Of course, you shouldn't over-exfoliate since that'll just leave your skin dry and irritated, but I personally feel exfoliating about once a week is definitely necessary. You should be exfoliating,cleansing, moisturizing,and applying the sunscreen for the health of your skin. When dead skin cells start to pile up on the surface of your skin, it can make your skin look dry, rough, and dull and it can also result in excess oil and clogged pores leading to blemishes and more acne! Noooooooooooooooo!!! Never! My worst enemy. Beautiful skin is what I want :3 Proper exfoliation gets rid of the layer of dead skin cells clogging my skin and this opens the way for moisturizing products to penetrate more deeply and effectively into my skin in need hehe
So, this is where I bring in the WYT Oxygen AHA Bubble Peeling Mask. It's reaching the end of March, and the weather is most definitely going to be getting warmer. Good news is, our skins won't get as dried up as how it gets in the winter time but our pores will be filled up with sebum and impurities at a faster rate ;( More reason to diligently clarify our pores in order to protect our skins from the sun and hydrate nicely. Am I talking too much? Okay, okay, so this Oxygen AHA Bubble Peeling Mask is a quite impressive skin-clearing formula that exfoliates and lifts up whiteheads, blackheads, and dead skin flakes from your face. Recently, I went on a business trip on the weekend, and I had an important business meeting to attend. Physical appearances always affect first impressions, and of course, I was going to look my best. I brought this specific Oxygen AHA Bubble Peeling Mask along with me cause I knew it would come in handy. (By the way, this peeling mask has been recently restocked!) I got to my hotel, and I knew I wanted to exfoliate but I was feeling too tired to manually exfoliate as I washed up. I wanted to rest up for the next day. This peeling mask would save me the energy of manually exfoliating and I'd be able to relax after I cleansed my face and slapped this wonder on my face.
Here you can see the bubbles already forming as I wear this mask. By the way, I like how the fabric of this Neogen sheet mask felt and it fit my face just right :p I would also say that it smells like I have lemon-scented soap all over my face. It's not the best smelling mask I guess but it wasn't a big deal and it wasn't irritating my skin or anything. I got to lie down for about 10 minutes, and I literally heard and felt the bubbles do the exfoliating work for me. How Oooomazing, right?
Now, it's time to easily peel this baby right off, and you can see that I need to wash my face after my short but sweet sheet mask session, which I did with warm water.
Ta-da! Oh my oh my oh my...this clearing sheet mask did a great job cleaning my pores, removing any of the flaky dead skin cells I might have had, and clarifying my skin with the plentiful and almost magical bubbles. Don't you think my skin is as clear, smooth, and glowing as it can be? I couldn't feel more refreshed and satisfied at the moment. This Oxygen AHA Bubble Peeling Mask is rated as the Best Clearing Sheet Mask on our site. You deserve to know so you can all try it for yourselves if you haven't yet. See ya<3